Wednesday, July 10, 2013

UTC Conference and QR Codes

The last 2 days I have been at the UTC Conference in Greenville. It was a great time! I learned so much and it makes me want to get busy figuring out how I am going to use them in my classroom.

One of the biggest things I took away from the conference was using QR codes. These babies can be used to do SO MANY THINGS!!! You could use them to send home videos of the students on parent newsletters, send kids to specific kid friendly websites for research, give your personal information to parents at open house, have students go on a QR code scavenger hunt, record yourself reading a book and so much more! I can really see myself using these guys next year. 

Below is a QR code I generated at  This takes you to a youtube video where Tim Tebow read Green Eggs and Ham.

These QR codes are going to be so much fun to use next year. What would you use QR codes for in your classroom?

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