Sunday, February 9, 2014

Using Skitch to assess student understanding of plot

Last week, we were finishing up a unit on story elements and I wanted a way to assess students on how well they could retell the lot of a story. 

First I showed my students how to use the Skitch app and walked through it step by step. We used a familiar read aloud. Here was my example.
Then students read a book from their book baskets. These baskets are leveled so they are books that students can read an understand independently. The students were to choose a literary text and retell it using the Skitch app. Here is one sample of student work.
The retellings were simple but seeing that this was the first time they had ever used anything like this, I think they did a pretty good job.

Skitch is free from the App Store. Look for this icon.

Skitch has endless possibilities. What are some you can think of?

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