Thursday, October 24, 2013

Using QR Codes in the Classroom

Tim Tebow Reads Green Eggs and Ham

This video is now linked to the Green Eggs and Ham books in my classroom? How? QR codes! Here's how it worked.

I went to a qr code creator online. The one I used to create the QR code for this one was I copied and pasted the URL for the YouTube video. Click generate static and a qr code appears. Then, I print the qr code and tape to the front of the book. Now when students scan the qr code on the front of the book, the video pops up ans they can listen to Tim Tebow read the book to them.

This is not just limited to YouTube. Record books yourself. Have parents come in and record them reading. Administrators and stakeholders can come in to record themselves. Children really enjoy these books and these are great for students to listen to during center time.

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