Thursday, August 1, 2013

2 must have apps

You guys are lucky! 2 posts in one night! 

I want to share 2 apps that are must haves for reading teachers. 

The first is called Common Core Concept Bank.

This app is from the makers of ScootPad. You launch the app and press your grade level, subject, and specific standard. Then an amazing thing happens! Instant question banks that address that particular standard. It will definitely help with CCSS instruction and Smarter Balance.

The next is Record of Reading.

This app is made by Clemson University (GO TIGERS,)
The app lets you record student reading, take a running record, type in student info at the top and type a short summary of student reading. But wait...there's more! Once you are finished with the running record, you can save it to a folder and email it to yourself. Imagine how awesome this paperless data will be. Not to mention instead of lugging around your data notebook or forgetting your clipboard in your car (yeah I've done that), all you would need is your iPad. I think this is one of the most useful apps I've seen.

The best part is that both of these apps are totally free!
So what are you waiting for? Get off of this blog right now and go download these apps!

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